2021 Audi S5 Sportback vs BMW m340?

I know I am likely to get an Audi-leaning view here, but I’m honestly leaning a bit more towards the BMW right now. I’m looking for more reasons to go with Audi, especially since they’re slightly cheaper. This will be my daily driver, but I don’t rack up a lot of miles—my commute is only about 10 minutes each way, so reliability is important.

I know the BMW B58 is probably more reliable and efficient, plus it has perks like a remote start. But the Audi S5 Sportback just looks so much better to me than the M340, and I love how the engine sounds.

Is anyone else cross-shopping between these two? How reliable is the 2021 S5 Sport back as a daily driver? Are there any major flaws or things I should be aware of? Appreciate any advice or tips.


The EA839 is no less reliable than the B58.


Why the M340 over the M440 Grand Coupe? The M440 would be a better comparison to the Sportback.


BMW is more sporty but Audi is the better cruiser


I am searching for a '23 or '24 A5 Sportback as well. It boiled down to basic aesthetics for me. I believe it’s a lovely design and appreciate the Sportback aspect, especially as someone who has never loved the hatchback style. Everything should be alright as long as you perform the necessary maintenance, just like you would with a BMW. Fingers crossed

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I prefer the interior and exterior of the Audi. In terms of performance, the m340 x-drive wins when compared to stock for stock and is likely to win with equal investment in modifications.

I believe they are very equal in terms of reliability. The b58 engine has gained a reputation for its ability to respond well to modifications and for being the first truly dependable BMW engine. However, this is not to suggest that the ea839 engine does not respond well to changes.

Neither will be as reliable as a Toyota. Some components in both are prone to failure (such as a water pump, if I recall correctly), and I believe you would spend around the same amount on maintenance for both.