Anyone else having trouble with myAudi app...?

I recently fixed an issue with the myAudi app not allowing me to use the remote Quick Start or Timer functions for climate control on my 2024 Q5. Hopefully this wasn’t a fluke and someone else can confirm this helps them too. YMMV. If you’re facing the same issue, mind giving this a try to see if it helps? Hop in the car, start it up, make sure your profile is selected on the infotainment screen. Turn the car off with all doors still closed. Set an auxiliary air conditioning timer on the infotainment screen. Exit and lock the car. Wait a few minutes, make sure the myAudi app is able to get the current car status first, then check to see if the timer is set in the app. Try to initiate the ‘Quick Start’ to begin heating/cooling immediately. I gave up on these features in the app due to server error pop-ups when I’d try to hit ‘Send’ and push these settings to the car. I noticed that when turning off the car but not opening the driver’s door, the main screen presents options to set the auxiliary air conditioning or charging timers. Thinking it’d be nice to leave for work in a warm car the next morning, I set a timer on the car’s main screen. I checked the app a few hours later from within my house and noticed the timer was set there too. I made a slight time adjustment to the existing timer, hit ‘Send’, and found it happily update the timer. I then tested the ‘Quick Start’ to immediately warm up the car and that worked as well for the first time since purchase. All of the server errors have stopped, though I occasionally run into issues contacting the car itself over the app. If this helps anyone else, perhaps the function just needs to be used from within the car before the app will let you use it.

I had the same server error issues… drove me crazy. Did your method really work?

Clove said:
I had the same server error issues… drove me crazy. Did your method really work?

Yeah, it did help! Just make sure to follow the steps closely. It was a relief to finally get it working.

What does YMMV mean? I see that a lot but IDK what it stands for.

Amani said:
What does YMMV mean? I see that a lot but IDK what it stands for.

It means ‘your mileage may vary.’ Basically, it means results can differ from person to person.

Jensen said:
Just to confirm, do I really need to keep the doors shut when doing this? Seems odd.

Yeah, it’s weird but it seems to be part of the process. I had to do it too.

Ash said:
I’ll try this out later, thanks for sharing! My app has been a mess lately.

Hope it works for you too! Let me know if you run into any issues.

What if it still shows server errors? Should I just keep trying?

Bailey said:
What if it still shows server errors? Should I just keep trying?

I’d keep trying, honestly. It can be hit or miss. Sometimes it just needs a moment.

I thought I was the only one dealing with this. Thanks for the tips! Gonna give it a shot.

Wylie said:
I thought I was the only one dealing with this. Thanks for the tips! Gonna give it a shot.

You’re welcome! Fingers crossed it helps you too. Let us know how it goes.

Just to confirm, do I really need to keep the doors shut when doing this? Seems odd.

Jensen said:
Just to confirm, do I really need to keep the doors shut when doing this? Seems odd.

I didn’t realize that either, but it makes sense. It probably helps the app connect better.