Audi RS3 Vs Dodge Challenger Hellcat... who wins?

I just watched a quick comparison between the Audi RS3 and the Dodge Challenger Hellcat. The RS3 looked impressive, especially with that AWD and launch control. I’m curious to hear what everyone thinks about these two cars and how they stack against each other.

AWD Launch control FTW

Not much of a Challenger

All snark aside, seems like the Hellcat driver had poor reflexes then delayed even more when the RS3 went bye-bye. Either way, that looks so much quicker than I thought it would

2016 S3 REVO Stage 1. Stock RS3??? Wow

I think it is stock, I’m not sure

B8.5 S5 Stage 2+. Hellcat overrated, tired of hearing about it :wastebasket:

Power means nothing if you can’t lay it down on the pavement

I’m going to assume this is not a Hellcat or the driver does not have any skills. The RS3 AWD and launch control is no joke though definitely had the advantage off the line! I might have been able to beat that guy in my S3

The guy in the Challenger is scared to step on the gas. Wouldn’t blame him though. That car loses its back end every chance it gets due to the poor weight distribution it has. Heavy ass engine in the front and rear-wheel drive with nothing to press down on those wheels