B8.5 A4 Bluetooth issue... any ideas?

So a quick question. I am in the process of buying an A4, it has Bluetooth, but a Bluetooth Audi source doesn’t show up. Why would there be Bluetooth only for calls but not audio output? Is there a software update I can do? I am planning on getting an Android Auto system installed, but in the meantime, I would like to be able to listen to my tunes. Any help would be appreciated.

That’s because you most likely have MMI 3G basic, which only has Bluetooth calling and no Bluetooth audio. You can either use an SD card to play or get an AMI cable to lightning/USB-C or a Bluetooth one to fit in the glovebox where the AMI port is located.

It might be listed as ‘iPod’, ‘iPhone’, or maybe ‘USB’ under Media / Sources. I have a B8.5 A4 but I’ve never used the AMI port. I’ll check what my screen says later and report back.

What trim level is the A4?