C8.R and RS6... good two car solution?

I have been thinking about pairing a C8.R with an RS6. Do you think that’s a good two-car solution? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Absolutely. Just get rid of the C8.

We in the Audi community should strive to appreciate the beauty in all fun/special cars, even those from Kentucky :heart_hands:

I think it could work! The RS6 is super practical, while the C8.R is just a beast on the track.

Gray said:
I think it could work! The RS6 is super practical, while the C8.R is just a beast on the track.

That’s what I was thinking! A nice balance of performance and usability.

Sounds like a dream combo! Just make sure you have enough garage space for both :smile:

The C8.R is sick, but I’d probably lean more towards the RS6 for daily driving. It’s versatile!