Just bought an Audi A6 40 TDI Sport S-tronic... is the 2.0 motor okay?

I just bought a 2020 Audi A6 40 TDI Sport S-tronic with 38,000 miles on it. I’m not looking for a super fast car, but I’ve heard a lot of people saying I should’ve gone for the 3.0 engine instead. I’m curious if the 2.0 motor is good for this model. Does anyone have experiences with it, particularly regarding maintenance and durability? I’d really appreciate any tips or insights.

Honestly, more than half of the A6s in Europe are 2.0 TDI. It’s a solid choice and should be perfectly fine.

You might want to consider getting a tune. It really helps with performance, trust me.

I have a 2013 A7 3.0 TDI, and while it’s nice, the 2.0 TDI is also fine as long as you keep up with regular service.

I’ve driven a 2.0 TDI A6 with a full load on long trips, and it had plenty of power. Sure, a 3.0 Quattro is nicer, but the 2WD does the job just fine.

Tuning is definitely a way to get some extra oomph. I did it on my Passat, and it made a huge difference.