My original spec 1973 Audi 100 Coupé S

Check out my 1973 Audi 100 Coupé S! I love this classic car; it holds a special place in my heart. Who else appreciates this timeless beauty?

Yes, more Audi 100 posts on the sub please. :hammer_and_wrench:

That’s a very nice car. Never knew this was the inspiration for the A7. :racing_car:

Now this - this - is a sportback. :dash:

Mmm that’s gorgeous! :fire:

Timeless masterpiece. :art:

That’s a beautiful car! I rarely see old Audis around. They are not as common as old Mercedes and BMWs.

According to Wikipedia, 827,474 Audi 100 C1s were produced, and only 30,687 Audi 100 Coupé S. Most old Audis rusted away due to recycled steel bodies. Fun Fact: the engine is a 4-cylinder derived from the Mercedes ‘Mitteldruck Motor’.

Still good looking for a fifty-year-old. :smile:

What a gorgeous looking car. Have you had it from new?