Picked up an A6 Allroad in California and drove it home 2000 miles

‘21 A6 AR! Coulda had it shipped but Mother Road was calling me


I always tell clients that if they want the car/price they desire, they should go beyond their immediate local market. For the price of a cheap Southwest one-way ticket and a nice road trip in your new car, I think it’s worthwhile. Congratulations on a fantastic vehicle and what appears to be an enjoyable journey.


What a fun trip/experience. Enjoy the new ride!

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Now that’s how to road trip - I have always wanted to drive what’s left of Route 66.

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Nothing beats traveling to pick up a car and road trip it home! I did a 2k mile trip for my S4 avant, and a 500 miles trip for my S6. This is the way

Congrats on the car, it’s gorgeous.

Thanks! that was my exact thought process. And i booked it with points :smirk:

Thanks! Truly would have regretted it had i just got it shipped.