So yesterday I gave back my A4 and got myself the RS3 as my winter car. Super excited to have it.
Sportback envy from across the pond.
Same! I wish we got them here in the US! I have a 2006 A3 with 237K on it. Not sure what I’ll get when it’s time to replace it.
So a car for only one winter? Jk, nice car mate.
Wheels are absolutely delightful!
OP, are those the factory optioned winter wheels? Haven’t seen any in person.
I wish the Germans would bring their hatch and wagons to us. Seems unlikely though.
Ugh, wish I could have a hatchback RS3 in the US.
Looks nice! These silver wheels fit the black RS3 really nicely. How about the engine? Does it burn oil like the 2.0 TDI?